I've been meaning to write about this, so now is a good a time as any.
Didn't do too well at the "The Loop". I'm a stubborn person with a high tolerance for pain and it was tested a little over a week ago. I arrived at the race just a little late but with enough time to get the zip tie for my timing chip and hear the race starter announce "Thirty Seconds till go time!" I like to think I set a new land speed record for putting a timing chip on a shoe. I was standing by the volunteer booth right next to the start, looked up, after setting my new record, and "Bang" the race started. Now if you have yet to have the privilege of running a trail allow me to inform you that if you consider yourself an above average time maker that it is very smart of you to be near the front at the start. I consider myself a slightly above average runner and ended up starting near the back of 214 runners. All of which were trying to squeeze in to a trail area, at times, barely wide enough for one person yet alone people in need of passing. So, I spent the better part of the first 2 miles trying to pass people and get by. Thankfully, runners are a completely different breed of people, very courteous and often considerate of fellow competitors.
I had a goal when I started the race of finishing under 50 minutes and after making some progress through the crowd, I was fairly confident it was going to happen. Shortly after mile 3, I met my arch nemesis Twisted Ankle, only slightly related and less painful than Twisted Sister the '80's hair band. That slowed me down considerably. So much that some of the 30k runners, who had a 30 minute head start, lapped me on the course. I finished the race in 1:03:35. Still a respectable overall time. Gives me something to shoot for on the next trail race. Semper Admotio Porro.
On to the course. The course was fabulous. This is the only time of the year that this particular section is open to foot traffic. Any other time of the year, it's used as a Dirt Bike hill country excursion area. We ran up and down hills numerous times, saw some beautiful Hill Country scenery in Emma Long Metropolitan Park (http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/parks/emmalong.htm), were challenged as trail runners on some tough terrain and, overall, had an enjoyable experience in Austin yet again. I highly recommend this race to anyone with a passion for running or a desire to start.
Mindful Thoughts
13 years ago